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S&S Swan Maintenance - 57-007 Refit continuation
12 August 2021 - 19:17
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hello, here an update that will maybe not please everyone…

as all the old Hellamarine lights were in very bad condition, chrome gone or going away, translucid parts broken, some grey, some yellow… and impossible to find new ones…

I had to make a choice… keep these bad condition parts or change them, so I decided to change all by the new Hellamarine full led waterproof bar, in hot white and stainless steel finish, placed in a teak part to keep the original size of lights and dont make new holes in the leather.

I am quite satisfied of the result, even if no more original.

what do you think of this ?

Yves / Algol 57-007

Saloon port

Saloon stbd

Fwd cabin

12 August 2021 - 19:20
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Outside update, we continue

13 August 2021 - 06:13
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Cher Yves,

a very clever and good choice, not to loose the original teak base and getting the LED bar on them, and they look nice!

Fair winds!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

29 September 2021 - 19:27
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Some news about 57-007 :

after a long wait, the teak is now available to build the main deck,

so on board the work accelerates in preparation of this main upgrade,

removing rails, painting, and pose of the new deck…

some pictures about step one : the removal

01 October 2021 - 09:08
Join Date: 20 July 2017
Posts: 119

Hi Yves,

this looks great, thanks for keeping us updated!

I like your interior lights, on Kairos (57/043) we still have the original Hellamarine ones and were lucky enough that the previous owner kept some spares. The lights are quite yellow, too, but since we swaped the bulbs for LEDs, which (even with the lowest wattage available) appear to be much brighter, they are able to 'power through' the yellow covers alright.

Desperately trying to find the time to update the forum with some pictures and progress on Kairos' new teak deck - appologies! We were lucky enough to have bought the teak in March already so avoided any delay on that front.

All the best and fair winds,


Kairos - 57/043

31 October 2021 - 23:11
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Sorry, not many update to share, as we still wait for teak for the main deck…

just reinstalled the Lewmar winch farm on coamings…

fair winds

Yves / Algol V - 57-007

02 November 2021 - 16:56
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

some images of the teak deck construction process in Finland...

should arrive at Badalona in three weeks (cross fingers)


17 November 2021 - 12:03
Join Date: 20 July 2017
Posts: 119

Hi Yves,

meant to reply earlyier - Algol's new deck looks impressive!

From the photos, I assume the individual planks were glued to a (GRP) base layer/substrate, which will then be divided into section for ease of handling/shipment before being shipped to Spain and glued to the deck?

If that's the case - would you know how your yard ensures proper adhesion between the pre-fabricated sections of teack deck and the deck? Will they apply a vacuum to do this? 

Reason I am asking is that Kairo's old deck (now removed, new one being installed as I type) appeared to have been of similar design i.e. prefabricated sections. Whoever then glued these to the deck (I am sure it can't have been Nautor!) appeared to have failed to achieve a good adhesion between the deck sections and the deck in a number of places. We already knew this was the case when we did some repairs but have now been able to see the extend of the issue. 

Kairos' new deck is being installed in the traditional way by glueing each plank individually directly to the deck but I would be keen to learn how a prefabricated deck should be installed properly, if that makes sense?

Thanks and fair winds,


Kairos - 57/043


02 December 2021 - 12:47
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hi Stephan,

sorry for late answer,

yes the deck is arrived monday from Finland (not exactly Nautor but close to…)

the yard is going to glue on the deck, and before they sand and prepreg…

can't tell you much more…

i post another question in following post

fair winds 


02 December 2021 - 12:53
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hi all !

Matteo, Stephan, Doctor Lars, etc…

on 57-007 there is two holes on the deck exterior sides close to mast position to evacuate water as 007 had no teak deck…

NSGS tells me they are going to close these holes as with teak they are of no use anymore, what I can understand, but is it correct ?

how are build the 57 with original teak deck ?

i dont want to make a mistake allowing them to close these holes !

thanks for help and information !!!

Yves / Algol V / 57-007

02 December 2021 - 14:37
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Cher Yves,

(sorry about the problem with images, our IT specialist does not understand why sometime our forum turns them of 90 degrees, they are working on this matter...!) at NSGS they are right, the draining holes are not present on boats with a teak deck since the origin, but are you sure you want to get rid of them, now they are present?

There is always some water which does not get out very easily by the toerail draining holes, so, in my opinion, these are very useful.

If that was my boat I would not close them.

Fair winds!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa*)

* waiting for her Xmas present... ;-)

03 December 2021 - 22:57
Join Date: 20 July 2017
Posts: 119

Hi Yves,

as Matteo already mentioned, Kairos does indeed not have the drain holes Algol V has.

I think the reason might be that the teak deck builts as high (or slightly higher) than the toe rail i.e. water does not collect in front of the toe rail where Algol has the drain holes. It runs straigt on top and the through the toe rail holes.

Have attached a photo (still the old deck), hope you can see that the teak deck is pretty much flush with the toe rail. Water does not collect there, sometimes it does a little bit on top of the toe rails ... not much and not for long, though.

Assuming your new deck is of adeqauet thickness I guess you could lose the holes ...

Fair winds,


Kairos - 57/043

17 December 2021 - 18:46
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hi all friends !

thanks for your help and advises !

Algol is now in the shep fot teak gluing, using vaccuum technic for better results on large surfaces.

we decided to keep the holes on deck as they are already onboard and they will help, even if they are not necessary with teak…

many thanks Matteo for the compass exchange thats fits exactly on Algol !!!


Yves / Algol V (57-007)

18 December 2021 - 08:58
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Sorry it was not shep but shed…

here first pictures of gluing process for big pieces, and first result, sorry for bad quality images…

Vacuum process

First part glued

25 December 2021 - 22:47
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Update on teak deck instalation, great evolution this week, not far from finished, before reinstalling all deck equipment…

Front all glued now

Aft under vacuum process

30 December 2021 - 20:06
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Almost finished, just little details to improve…

16 January 2022 - 17:47
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

just to keep updated...

happy with the begining of result !

and Happy new year to all of you !!!

Algol V / Yves / 57-007

new deck

new foredeck

03 February 2022 - 18:12
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hi all friends,

here painting finished !

so now we can start to rebuild all deck equipment,

17 months ashore for refit is a bit long time…

we hope going back to sea before mai…

kindly and fair winds





25 March 2022 - 19:11
Join Date: 17 July 2020
Posts: 104

Hi S&S Swan fans,

Algol will leave the shed and get her mast next week !!!

More updates to come...

here just the new glasses and stainless steel finishes...

can't wait to get her back in (and not on) the water again !

Yves / Algol - 57 007

28 March 2022 - 16:35
Join Date: 20 July 2017
Posts: 119

Hi Yves,

Algol looks very beautiful indeed, well done!

Thank you for sharing your experience and also thank you so much for your help while we did a (minor, compared to yours!) refit of Kairos, much appreciated! it's so much easier when you can just ask someone with the same boat and (sometimes) even the same problem ...

Fingers crossed for a wonderful 2022 season for all of us,

fair winds


Kairos - 57/043


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