Forum Rules

Only one account per person is permitted.
Keep all posts on-topic.

The purpose of the forum provided by S&S Swan Association is to allow people to ask and answer questions about Sparkman & Stephens designed Swan's and its related themes. They are not intended to provide people with an opportunity to increase traffic to their own websites. There are many subtle ways by which this can be done and the forum Moderators may use their discretion to remove signatures, delete threads, warn, suspend or ban people whose aim it is to do this rather than to use the forum for its stated purpose.

You can not submit a thread/post into the forum to sell/buy boats and/or related items; there is a specific 'market' section on the website. In case you have doubts you are kindly requested to write for advice to before submitting your post.

All posts must be in English.

Do not pretend to be/represent somebody else. Your account will be deleted if found to be in breach of this rule.

Do not discuss illegal activities. Our server is hosted in Italy and so is subject to Italian law. Please do not expose S&S Swan Association Communities to any unnecessary legal liability. Posts may be deleted without warning if we believe they expose us to unnecessary legal risk. Check that your question has not been answered anywhere else on the site. Use the search feature.

Post your comment/question into the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places. Make sure you have read the parent article/post completely before posting a reply Use your own words. If you wish to use the words of somebody else, quote them, citing the source. Plagiarism is unethical and is illegal in many countries. Choose an appropriate subject line. Try to summarise the problem briefly in the subject, and elaborate in the message itself. Repeat the subject in the body if it will make things clearer. Do not use all caps and do not add false information just to get attention. Include as much information as you can when seeking help. Nobody will be able to help you if you don't give sufficient detail.

Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material, or might otherwise be considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning.

We allow signatures to identify you as far as they are not meant to be a sales advertisement. There are some guidelines below about what can and can't be done but it comes down to this: if we think you're using your signature as a sales advertisement we'll ask you to remove it and take action from there.

A signature:
1) may not contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details.
2) may include two clickable links. URL's or mailto.
3) may include two colours. Hyperlink colour is set by the forum and is not counted as a colour.
4) must be kept to a maximum of two lines of text.
5) may not contain links to other threads or posts.

1) Your signature is your signature. It is not for sale or rent.
2) Only apparent URL's allowed i.e. not LOOK HERE
3) Maximum font size cannot be larger than normal.
4) We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature at any time, for any reason.

S&S Swan Association Community trusts the Forum Moderators to use their best judgment in assessing the intention and good will of people who post on this site. If the Moderators feels that any portion of a posting, including the signature, is intended to be disruptive or insulting, or otherwise inappropriate in the community context, the Moderators are empowered to remove or alter the post and in worse case scenarios, ban the poster. Of course we also encourage the Moderators to contact the poster first and communicate their concerns, but in the event the situation is not corrected to the satisfaction of the Moderators, we will support the Moderators decision and no appeal procedure is available.
Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but unnecessarily argumentative posts, coarse language, insults, personal attacks, threats or intimidation, slander and baseless accusations will not be tolerated. No form of advertising is permitted. Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed.
This is not the place to settle a commercial disagreement for custom development or to be a "wall of shame". Any posts deemed to be of this nature will be removed. Settle your disputes in private please.
If you feel a post violates any of these rules, please notify the moderators by sending a mail to

Failure to abide by these rules may result in an editing, negative moderation or deletion of your post. S&S Swan Association reserves the right to ban abusers from the site. S&S Swan Association Communities reserves the right to change these rules at any time.

  • Threads : 1725
  • Posts : 10309
  • Members: 827
  • Online Members: 2