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S&S Swan Maintenance - Swan 44 pipe cot hinges
24 May 2013 - 13:17
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Swan 44 pipe cot hinges
Dear Swan 44 Owners
Would somebody be kind enough to post photos of the original hinge arrangements in the focsle.
Thank you in advance

28 May 2013 - 03:09
Join Date: 20 March 2011
Posts: 88

Dear Lars

Here's a photo of 1 of the 4 hinges for the pipe cots

Hatha's interior is disassembled, but I can happily provide you photos, dimensioning, just let me know what you are looking for.

TonyH 44-004 Hatha

28 May 2013 - 07:30
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Tony
Thank you for the photo.
This confirms there are bails on the cot tubing securing them to the hinges, right? This was questioned.
Kind regards

28 May 2013 - 12:42
Join Date: 30 January 2007
Posts: 462

Dear Tony Thank you for the photo. This confirms there are bails on the cot tubing securing them to the hinges, right? This was questioned. Kind regards Lars

Sorry friends but I have a problem and in this case the internet translators seem totally useless: can I kindly ask you translate into layman language what you are discussing?

Daniel, 411/004

28 May 2013 - 16:34
Join Date: 20 March 2011
Posts: 88

Dear Lars

The tubing just rests on the curved support, I have never had anything that captures the tubing in the hinge. The pipe cot simply lifts straight up and out of the bracket.

Also if you weight the forward end of the cot, it will flip up and out.


28 May 2013 - 17:02
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Daniel
The pipe cots are the folding fore cabin berths with frames of aluminium tubing and canvas bottoms. The hinges on the 44 were rather special, in principle a simple hook but the berth was still prevented from jumping out.
Did this help?
Best regards

28 May 2013 - 17:13
Join Date: 20 March 2011
Posts: 88

Dear Lars

So now you got me thinking

I pulled one of the cots out of my storage, and saw there had been some sort of bail welded to the underside of the tubing.

From what I can tell from the weld remains, it was probably a 5mm rod, bent to wrap around the bottom of the bracket and hold the cot in place.


28 May 2013 - 19:19
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Tonyh
Thank you for the additional information. I think the bails have broken in hard use.
If there is a need to prevent the cots from flipping out from their brackets, either new bails could be screwed to the tube in the same locations, or stoppers put above the tube and held by same screws that attach the brackets to the topside.
Kind regards

28 May 2013 - 21:33
Join Date: 30 January 2007
Posts: 462

Dear Lars,
thank you, now everything is clear and I can look with more knowledge at those berths that were a genial idea of the designer of our boats!
Thank you for teaching me new appropriate names.

Daniel, 411/004

30 May 2013 - 11:28
Join Date: 14 March 2008
Posts: 19

Mine had also broken so I made up a stainless offset h shape that Mirrors the hinge and uses the top bolt on the hinge. It is on the top of the hinge and locks the pipe but allows it to turn.

This holds the pipe down, works well and is very strong. Easy to remove the whole thing, no new holes.

Very comfortable berth.

Andy Eltibs Swan 44

01 June 2013 - 17:45
Join Date: 02 February 2007
Posts: 202

Hello everybody!
We also had a similar problem with our pipecots supports which were in a poor state when we bought our dear 41. Instead of a description I thought easier for me to send drawings. The original setting is mostly for careful users since the lever arme on the support is very large, it is easy to pull out the screws holdig it to the hull.
So we went for the alternative solution with a thick leather strap wich has been OK for the last 20 years.... A strong textile strap would also do the job.
Hope this helps!
Kind regards to all, and wishing the weather is going to improve in the MED... Only a month to go for Marciana!
Philippe 41/022

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