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Sail & Rigging - Rigging insulators
22 May 2014 - 20:17
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Rigging insulators
Thank you Martin, excellent proposal!
So far there is no thread on rigging insulators, and it is suggested members with past problems tell us what happened, and who's make the insulator was.
Kind regards

25 May 2014 - 20:49
Join Date: 05 August 2010
Posts: 164

As I mentioned in the other (and misleading) thread, I had problems with failing insulators on a different boat. I have no idea about the brand, but what happened is that the helmsman steered an accidental gybe. We didn't have too much wind, yet the power of the boom slamming into the main sheet was enough that the insulator came down in pieces and the backstay was slack. Fortunately that happened on a yacht with a divided (or double) backstay; the mast stayed on but we had to return to port.
With that in mind and the story of Scotch Bonnet, we got rid of the insulators last winter when we had our standing rigging replaced. For the time being, we do not have a shortwave radio installed so we don't miss the antenna.
Somewhen in the future, we will reinstall the radio. If we had to do it today, we would probably decide between a normal antenna cable fixed alongside the backstay with cable ties as one option, or a rope with a metal core that can be hoisted and removed as needed. Of course, by then other possibilities may be on the market.
But the insulators will not be back ...

Fair winds to all,
Martin (Age of Swan, 48/039)

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