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S&S Swan Maintenance - Stove conversion
07 October 2014 - 19:30
Join Date: 01 March 2007
Posts: 13

Stove conversion
My 69 - 43 has a luke alcohol stove ….
Although beautiful, am wondering about conversion to a gas model stove. The only hiccup is the gas storage. Above deck storage is the only answer I have come up with so far.
Anyone been able to come up with safe below deck canister storage?

11 October 2014 - 03:27
Join Date: 20 February 2007
Posts: 119


I have been working on the same thing for my 43. Luke used to sell conversion parts for their alcohol stove to propane but no longer do so due to liabiity issues. Their insurance underwriter must have gotten involved.

I would like to hear what you decide to do.

Good luck.


11 October 2014 - 08:33
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear John and Hiro
If you prefer under deck gas stowage it appears that the space would need to be found in the lazarette, with access from deck. A gas tight compartment vented top and bottom required unless you use CNG. The size and shape of the gas tank(s) is an important consideration.
Kind regards

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