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S&S Swan General - S&S Swan Rendez-vous Ratings
08 January 2015 - 19:56
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

S&S Swan Rendez-vous Ratings
Dear Members,

we are now working with Lars Strom and Nicola Sironi (the latter from ORC office) to setup a specific ORC Club rating for the S&S Swans, which will be used for the first time during the Marciana Marina S&S Swan Rendez-vous, June 17 - 21.

Members who will participate to the Rendez-vous are kindly requested to contact us and send details of their boats.

Many thanks, and Fair Winds!

matteo (38/067 Only You)

11 January 2015 - 19:17
Join Date: 01 March 2007
Posts: 147

Dear Matteo,

This is an interesting development. Do you feel that the IRC system does not provide well for our boats?

Sarabande. 47/029

11 January 2015 - 22:37
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Rob,

good question!

I know IRC is the "base" system for Nautor Swan, but we never used it for our S&S Swan Rendez Vous, and instead a very simplified system was used. This year I dared to venture the ORC, the "base" system in Italian waters, but I made this decision only after consulting with Lars Strom, and Nicola Sironi (ORC Chief Measurer), who also volunteered to help us in sorting out the best ratings and measurements.
The IRC certificates will accompany the ORC ones for those who will ask for it.
Lars has already started checking the data of the boats already entered, and I appreciated your intention to participate to the initiative we have started for our race in Marciana, but has the potential to be extended to a large number of Swans.

Fair winds!

matteo (38/067 Only You)

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