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S&S Swan General - Whither Matteo
23 January 2015 - 17:59
Join Date: 19 December 2007
Posts: 5

Whither Matteo
Swan 38/067 "OnlyYou" is for sale.

as godfather of this site, what's up? are you "swallowing the anchor" or is there another boat or venture ahead?

23 January 2015 - 20:25
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Don,

"semper fidelis" to Sparkman & Stephens Swans!!!

Maybe there will be a bigger one... S&S Swan of course, what else?

Fair winds!

matteo (38/067 Only You)

26 January 2015 - 22:05
Join Date: 02 February 2007
Posts: 126

I'm sure it would be a great buy for someone, and if you came from outside the Eurozone it would be particularly good value at the moment. We will watch with interest as to what's next!


11 February 2015 - 09:19
Join Date: 16 May 2009
Posts: 252


Are you really thinking of it? You have so much work in her...

If you did decide to get a different boat I wonder what model you might look for, knowing all you know about the boats.

Happy 2015, fair winds and following seas,

Geoff, Corazon, 411 #41

11 February 2015 - 09:56
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Geoff,

yes, I put my passion and my hearth on Only You for the last 16 years, and now it's time someone else will take care of her, and you can bet she (Only You) already found an Owner who will give her his own heart and passion too!

On Friday I have the survey on the future Only You, and I will let you know details afterwards!

Fair winds!

matteo (.....)

28 February 2015 - 18:26
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Friends,

many thanks for your patience, and please forgive me if I have not answered before with details to previuos posts and mail I have received, but, you know, I just wanted to be sure everything was as expected.

Only You is going to France, and new Owner will proudly take care of her (by the way, they will be in Marciana Marina at the 7th S&S Swan Rendez-vous).

Me and Julia will be there too, but with Vanessa, our "new" S&S Swan 47/069, CB, second to last one to be launched but last of the 47's to be delievered by Nautor (she got wet in March 1985).

Fair winds !

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

28 February 2015 - 18:50
Join Date: 02 February 2007
Posts: 126

Matteo, many congratulations on your purchase. We can personally speak for the performance in all conditions of the 47CB or New York Yacht Club 48 as they were called. Its amazing that you have an S&S Swan with a 1985 launch date.
Before I bought Black Tie, I was worried about the performance of the centreboard boat compared with the fixed keel version. I recall just after we got her back to the UK that we did the Round the Island Race and we were able to slowly move ahead of the fixed keel 47 racing and finish 20 minutes ahead. After that I didn't worry! The same happened again at the Swan Cup in 2006.
I think Olin was outstanding at doing lifting keel boats that really work. Finisterre (design 1054) was a classic example. He never compromised and was always prepared to make them heavier if necessary.
Well done on the purchase, I look forward to seeing her in Elba. Gavin

28 February 2015 - 22:43
Join Date: 09 August 2010
Posts: 15

Matteo, many congratulations on your purchase. We can personally speak for the performance in all conditions of the 47CB or New York Yacht Club 48 as they were called. Its amazing that you have an S&S Swan with a 1985 launch date. Before I bought Black Tie, I was worried about the performance of the centreboard boat compared with the fixed keel version. I recall just after we got her back to the UK that we did the Round the Island Race and we were able to slowly move ahead of the fixed keel 47 racing and finish 20 minutes ahead. After that I didn't worry! The same happened again at the Swan Cup in 2006. I think Olin was outstanding at doing lifting keel boats that really work. Finisterre (design 1054) was a classic example. He never compromised and was always prepared to make them heavier if necessary. Well done on the purchase, I look forward to seeing her in Elba. Gavin

Dear Matteo,
Congratulations for Vanessa, We wish you fair winds,
I will try to drive to Marciana Marina to admire her.
Marc,actually in Antigua with

01 March 2015 - 14:22
Join Date: 16 February 2007
Posts: 199

Hello Matteo
Since I already knew of the ongoing deal for avanessa, I am now glad ton congratulate you for a wise " upgrade" and welcome you - if I may say - to the 47 league!
Bien venu cher ami// Cheers//Philippe
(Farouche 47/050)

Godd looking ladies!

01 March 2015 - 17:36
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 241

Dear Matteo

Congratulations on your new lady!!! I hope she treats you as well as Only Me!!! May the wind be at your back and the sun on your face!
Best wishes


01 March 2015 - 18:08
Join Date: 01 March 2007
Posts: 147

Congratulations Matteo, I was impressed to see do many 47's at the Rolex in Puerto Cervo, and look forward to getting our Sarabande to sail with you all in the Med in the near future.
Best regards
Sarabande 47/029

01 March 2015 - 18:40
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Friends,

wow, what a warm welcome to Vanessa, thanks a lot!!!

Fair winds!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

02 March 2015 - 03:00
Join Date: 20 March 2011
Posts: 88

Congratulations Matteo she is gorgeous!

Tonyh 44 004 Hatha

02 March 2015 - 08:18
Join Date: 23 October 2011
Posts: 154

Hi Matteo!
Welcome in the world of the 47!
Vanessa looks splendid and Grampus, too, likes her very much!

Fair Winds,
Matteo d'Agostino

Swan Cup 2014

I Monaci, Caprera

02 March 2015 - 10:09
Join Date: 05 August 2010
Posts: 164

Congratulations Matteo! Some days ago I noticed on the participant list for the Rendez-Vous that only you had changed ownership. So it was obvious that something was in the air.
So, congratulations to the big step ... as it must have been a big step even letting go of only you after all the time and effort and love you devoted to the boat. I can only hope she is going into similarly loving hands. And of course a word to Vanessa: that boat could not have made a smarter choice in her new parents than Matteo and Julia ...

We wish you all the best, fair winds ... and we look forward to meeting in Elba!
Martin (with Stefanie and Age of Swan)

03 March 2015 - 12:34
Join Date: 01 July 2010
Posts: 48

Dear Matteo!

Congratulations! What a stunningly beautiful boat! We were almost sure, you would opt for a 48, as they are the ‘True Classics‘. But then again, there are a number of refinements and nicer fittings on the 47‘s, perhaps an additional touch of craftsmanship here and there. And there is this huge owners cabin, which goes a very long way for a cruising couple. And then, there is this drop dead gorgeous IOR transom…

Will you keep the name? Or respray her? Look what we have done to 47/013 VERA in recent years: Baby blue!

Kind regards and best wishes for you, your family and your new S&S family member from Britta and Michael / 47/013 VERA

03 March 2015 - 12:42
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Martin,

thanks a lot!

Vanessa can' wait to see you and Age of Swan in Elba!

Dear Britta and Michael,

what a nice hull you did!

No, I am keeping the name. I bought her from the original owner, who kept Vanessa for 30 years, and as Vanessa is the original (and by the way the name of a beautiful butterfly), I am not going to change it.

I'll have a different layout for it, which I am studying right now...will let you know asap!

Fair winds!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

07 March 2015 - 13:15
Join Date: 31 July 2007
Posts: 88

Dear Matteo

Congratulations on your new vessel. She is beautiful! And she found the best owner there ever was! May the winds be favor, the current with you and the sun on your face!
Best wishes!
Peter Lange CYGNUS 040/12

09 March 2015 - 13:55
Join Date: 30 January 2007
Posts: 11


11 March 2015 - 16:10
Join Date: 15 April 2011
Posts: 395

Congratulations, Matteo. I am happy for you and especially happy that you're not leaving the S&S Swan Association - what would we do? Beautiful yacht!

12 March 2015 - 09:17
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Thanks a lot my friends!!!!!

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