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S&S Swan General - Sprayhood plan Swan 40
14 May 2017 - 18:56
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Sprayhood plan Swan 40


My name is Jolling Lodema and since a month I am the proud owner of a Swan 40, nr. 22 named Becca. The boat is still located in Copenhagen where we bought her while we live in the Netherlands. Plan is to sail her back during summertime. The boat is in original state. There is some work to do, but technically and functionally most things seem ok. I would like to replace the sprayhood as soon as possible, because she is really falling apart. I am looking for a plan for this, so I can let a sailmaker make one. Good to know is there is now a very old and small sprayhood on the boat. i would prefer something bigger with a new RVS frame. Hope someone can help me with this. 

Jolling Lodema
Swan 40, nr 22 Becca


14 May 2017 - 21:02
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Jolling,

congratulation for your Sparkman & Stephens Swan 40 and welcome onboard!

On this forum we have some  S&S Swan 40 Owners very active, so I am sure you will get soon some very good tips!

Fair winds!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

15 May 2017 - 05:40
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 241

Dear Jolling,

Welcome and Congratulations.  You have just bought a wonderful sea boat!!!  Ours has done four Alantic crossings, 3 with me and I can attest to her sea keeping abilities!!! They also solicit a lot of comments in the harbours we visit!!

Anyway, there are two S&S Swan 40s here on Fyn, just south of Svendborg Denmark.  Take a look at Stormsvale hull # 28 and Ophelia #8  in the Swans by S&S section.  Ophelia has a high spray hood while Storm Svale has a relatively low one.  Kaj Kvist Nielsen owns Ophelia and I cannot speak for him but you are well come to take a look at Stormsvale.  Stormsvale's boom is lower than Ophela's with both boats having non original booms. I had the frame built locally as well as the canvas.  If necessary we could take my frame off and have it duplicated here. The canvas is off at the moment being restitched so not a major issue...


You can call me at +45 21798932 or email me through the website.


Fair Winds 



Mike from Stormsvale..


16 May 2017 - 19:15
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Dear Mike and Matteo,

Thanks for your warm welcome and good info! Good to hear Mike you are so close with your Swan 40 Stormsvale. I see a Canadian banner at your Swan? I must admit i like both the sprayhoods at Stormsvale and Ophelia. I think Becca still has the original boom. What do you think Mike? The lower or higher sprayhood would fit better?

Kind regards,



17 May 2017 - 05:38
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 241

Hi Jolling,

I guess the answer really comes down to your height.  I am 1.74 and Kaj is about 1.95. I have no problems slipping under ours and it does not block my ability to see the bow. Kaj has problems getting under our spray hood but of course can clearly see our bow. On Opelia I cannot see the bow for the spray hood when I am steering. Esthetically I prefer the low spray hood but that is just me..

I talked with Kaj and he, as I offer to let you take a look at the boats. You can check out the spray hood situation as well as the modifications we have made.. We both have bow sprits for example. I have a Trogear and he has a pole set up.  I have switched out my traveler system and am in the process of installing adjustable jib cars. Kaj has added an extra set of winches in the cockpit ... something I am considering.. I also have on deck solar panels and a radar mast...

So, if you can manage  it I suggest you visit us.  We will be happy to discuss the boats with you and tell some tall tales...(;-) and welcome you to the joys of owning a Swan 40. We can organize pickup and delivery to and from train stations if needed.

Kaj and I keep the boats side by side in the same hall every winter.  NIce to have a  good friend to bounce around ideas and solutions.  We have ended up doing a lot of similar mods as a result, learning from each others successes and failures (;-).

May I ask who you bought her from??  I knew of two 40s in Copenhagen she may have been number 3...    

Canadian.. yes I am.

All the best


18 May 2017 - 07:27
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Hi Mike,


Good to hear. Wil for sure will try to meet you and your friend Kaj. We are travelling from Copenhagen to the Netherlands starting from around 22. of August. I think we will manage to meet you. Of course everything is new for us and we did no do much testing. We wil see if everything is working as planned. A nice adventure I think. Would love to meet you and Kaj and discuss our Swans and exchange ideas. Think I can learn a lot.

Other thing is that I made a faceboogroup for the Swan 40 S&S. If you like you can join. Idea is that all Swan 40 S&S owners can join and post pictures and video. You are very welcome. This is the link:

My tel number: +31643561503

Oh yes: bougt the Becca from Christian Tjornemark

Kind regards Jolling

18 May 2017 - 15:08
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 241

Hi Jolling,


Look forward to the visit!! We should be around then. We are doing a short run this year either Bornholm or Anholt... wind dependent but should be back by then.   We are about a 1/2 day North of your route to Kiel but...I am not Biased... we have the nicest anchorage in DK right in front of our house.

I am not a face book guy but Kaj is so I will let him know. I am swamped with e-mails so no time for face book.   

As I don't know Christian I am guessing we had another 40 in DK... so at one point there were 6... it seems. 


Fair winds




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