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S&S Swan General - Swan 40 plumbing diagram
21 October 2017 - 19:01
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Swan 40 plumbing diagram

Hi Swan owners,

I have some troubles with my drinking water system in the Swan 40, Becca. I am not sure how it works. Only left thanks are selected somehow.

Would be nice to have a plumbing diagram of the water system.  

Kind regards, 

Jolling Lodema

23 October 2017 - 09:38
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Jolling

When there are several tanks there is also a valve chest for selecting the tank from which water is drawn. You need to find the valve chest, and verify which tanks are open.
The use of valve chests has been discussed on the Forum, here a thread dealing mainly with fuel tanks, but water tanks are also mentioned.
Kind regards

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