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S&S Swan General - Height sprayhood Swan 40
26 December 2017 - 20:44
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Height sprayhood Swan 40

Hi Swan 40 owners,

This winter I have some plans for upgrading my sprayhood of my Swan 40 (#22, Becca). I am looking for a good height for the new sprayhood. There should be enough space be left above the boom while having enough space for a good entrance to the cabin. My lenght is 1.91m. Any advice is welcome.

Kind regards,

Jolling Lodema, Swan 40 #22 (Becca)


27 December 2017 - 19:37
Join Date: 01 March 2007
Posts: 147



Forgive me, I am not familiar with the exact layout and dimensions of the cockpit layout in the 40, but having had 3 different sized spray hoods on my 47'. I have chosen a height which is the level of my nose. This means I can look over from the helm and enjoy the protection for the rest of my body and spend many hours at the helm in windward conditions, and duck down when the wave comes! I recommend you approach this from a helmsman perspective, ( and making sure you do not compromise main sheet adjustment etc etc ).



Sarabande 47/029


28 December 2017 - 20:37
Join Date: 14 May 2017
Posts: 66

Hi Rob,

Thank you very much! A good tip. I will follow you advise and measure the height from the cockpit floor.

Kind regards and a happy (sailing) new year!


07 January 2018 - 11:08
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 241

Greetings from the Swan 40s Storm Svale  (28) and Ophelia (8).  I just measured the Spray Hood heights on both. 


From the top centre of the hatch just behind the fiddle so as aft as possible to the bottom of the sprayhood tube.


Ophelia 57 cm note I think the boom has been raised on Ophelia giving more space.

Storm Svale 42 cm note I have about 5 cm from the bottom of the boom to the top of the spray hood. 

Check your boom height before making a decision. 

i don’t think either of our  booms are original. 


Hope that helps... 


Fair Winds 




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