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S&S Swan General - shower on the swan 38
21 August 2018 - 09:55
Join Date: 01 April 2007
Posts: 106

shower on the swan 38

Dear friends,

A practical problem.

After our holiday on "YULUNGA", our swan 38, and much time at anchor we find our shower/heads department rather small. Showering is a bit of a problem: everything (toilet, sink, sliding doors of the closet) is wet afterwards and has to be dried. And there is no headroom. Sitting on the toilet, while showering, seems to be the solution but the cleaning/drying afterwards takes more time then the showering itself.........

Are there any suggestions/solutions for this, besides buying a larger boat.......

kind regards,

Jan (YULUNGA 38/110)



23 August 2018 - 06:50
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Jan

You could consider a shower curtain, then only the curtain is wet afterwards, and not the surroundings. There are some implications being inside a curtain in a cramped space, particularly if sitting down
Would appreciate to hear if you find it useful.
Kind regards

25 August 2018 - 17:16
Join Date: 27 January 2011
Posts: 140

Hi Jan,

since the head/shower compartment is all varnished we never dry it after a shower. We sail in the Med and there it anyway dries quickly. When taking a shower we close the door to the saloon, and leave the door to the head and the forward hatch open, which creates space and ventilation. Nowadays we rarely use the harbour showers.

We recently also installed a cockpit shower which we like a lot - it is hardly visible. This one can be used for a regular shower at night in an anchor bay.

Kind regards,

Christian IF 411/018

29 August 2018 - 16:22
Join Date: 01 April 2007
Posts: 106

Dear Lars en Christian,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I have considered a curtain, but find it a bit claustrofobic. The space is limited and with a curtain it wil feel even smaller. Perhaps a curtain for the stink is possible and a sort of setter over the toilet where you can sit (I have no standing headroom) and at the same time  protects the toilet and hoses/valves from becoming wet ?

As we sail mostly in colder regions not drying is not an option. Your suggestion of a shower in the cockpit is a very good solution for when it is warmer weather.

How do others cope with this ?

kind regards,

jan 38/110

29 August 2018 - 21:02
Join Date: 01 April 2007
Posts: 106

Stink must be sink ........ (Just to make sure no one misunderstands, because it is about the shower and the toilet 😊)

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