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Sail & Rigging - hydraulic turnbuckle load
28 May 2019 - 20:04
Join Date: 12 March 2013
Posts: 24

hydraulic turnbuckle load

Dear all,

Just get a new selden turnbuckle for Solano, a swan 44 with the orginal mast. I would like to know how much pressure in bar i can put on the mast ?

Thank you and fair winds,


29 May 2019 - 11:29
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear César

It is assumed that the rig dimensions stated on Solano's ORC Club certificate 2019 are correct.
The following input is required for a pressure calculation:
-Selden tensioner size 
-Diameter of headstay and backstay, 1x19 wire or rod? 
The recommendation is to keep a close eye on your tensioner. There have been some cases of piston rod rusting, and this will soon destroy the seals.
Kind regards

29 May 2019 - 22:37
Join Date: 12 March 2013
Posts: 24

Dear Lars,

Headstay and backstay diameter is 10mm wire.

Orc certificate is the correct one.

Still waiting for the exact technical data from selden, size is 1m.

Thank again for your help and i ll keep an eye...

Best regards,


01 June 2019 - 11:53
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear César

Selden tensioners come in two sizes, and it is assumed you have the smaller unit intended for 8/10 mm wire. The lower end pin has 16 mm diameter.
The recommended maximum backstay pressure for Solano is 150 bar on the Selden gauge. This corresponds to 19.1 kN in the backstay. Due to the geometry of the rig, and the influence of the mainsail, the headstay tension is 1.53 times higher.
Kind regards


06 June 2019 - 13:11
Join Date: 12 March 2013
Posts: 24

Dear Lars,

Thank you very much again for your wonderfull help.

I just got the model, and you were right it is the small one, ref 582-002-10.

I ll keep your data in mind when i'll pump.

Fair winds,


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