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S&S Swan General - Ownership history Swan 40
03 February 2020 - 12:28
Join Date: 01 February 2007
Posts: 57

Ownership history Swan 40

Is there a department in Nautor which could tell me the name and nationality of the first owner of my Swan 40, hull number 45 ?

Many thanks

Richard Forrest

03 February 2020 - 12:31
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Richard,

you can send a message to, even if I think for a discrecy matter they will not disclose these details.

Give it a try!

Fair winds

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

06 February 2020 - 12:59
Join Date: 30 January 2007
Posts: 462

In the Builder's Certficate of my 411/004, obtained as a copy from the original one by Nautor, there is the name of the first buyer and the first name of the boat.  The certificate was issued on June 16th, 1977; I wonder if in different dates they did not put all those data.

A curiosity I could never understand: in that certificate the boat length is marked as 11,4 m.  Anyone knows why?

Daniel, 411/004, Luna Menguante

06 February 2020 - 15:27
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Daniele.

Shipbuilding practice is behind this.
Part of the yachts were tonnage measured at the yard in order to get registration, and for them tonnage rule definitions for ships were applied when determining the main dimensions for the official documents. 
It was found convenient to use these dimensions in the documents for all the yachts, because then they were accepted also in other countries, most having similar ship registration rules. Therefore the dimensions differ from what you would expect. 
The main dimensions used on the Certificates are Register Dimensions as defined in the British Merchant Shipping Act 1894.
The Register Length is defined as the distance from the bow to the fore side of the rudder stock, and the Register Depth as the vertical distance from the bottom of the bilge to the sheer line (deck edge). 
Depth must not be confused with draught, which is not a register dimension, because it does not have a constant value that can be measured reliably.
The Register Beam is the same as the actual.
The yard has received many enquiries about these dimensions, questioning the numbers
Kind regards

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