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S&S Swan Maintenance - 411 Cutlass bearings
22 March 2020 - 08:09
Join Date: 19 July 2007
Posts: 66

411 Cutlass bearings

I have removed the cutlass bearing from the P bracket on our 411. The size of the one removed is

1 1/2" x 2" x 7" in length. The only standard sizes available are 6" in length.

Has anyone succesfully used the  6" version. Thanks for any comments

Stay safe.


Hierro  411.  042


22 March 2020 - 11:18
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547


The standard Cutlass bearing length is 4 times shaft diameter, for the 411 this means 6".  It appears somebody has installed a longer model. Did this bearing protrude at either end of the boss?
Kind regards

22 March 2020 - 20:01
Join Date: 19 July 2007
Posts: 66


The P bracket is slightly over 7 inches in length. The 7" cutlass bearing is a perfect fit !!

I will  install a 6"  bearing and leave it flush with the aft end of the bracket, to better support the propellor loading.

Many thanks


23 March 2020 - 08:47
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547


I checked the P-bracket drawing, and the boss is indeed 180 mm long = 7". However,  it is stated that a 6" long bearing is to be used. The drawing shows that the bearing aft end is located 20 mm forward of the boss end, and there is a separate lock screw for this last 20 mm, plus two other lock screws some distance forward.

I seem to remember that a Delrin fairing piece was inserted between the boss and the propeller hub forward end to make the transition more streamlined, and the Delrin piece was inserted 20 mm into the boss and locked with the screw.
If there is no Delsin fairing piece you shold put the Cutlass bearing aft end at the aft end of the boss.
Anybody still having the Delrin piece?
Kind regards



23 March 2020 - 18:32
Join Date: 19 July 2007
Posts: 66


Thanks for your assistance, (again).

I have needed to replace the bearing ,as your suggestion. The existance of a fairing piece explains the size differences. I will fabricate a delrin  fairing for next season.

Regards, take care.



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