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S&S Swan General - Our First 20 Years
27 March 2020 - 20:52
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Our First 20 Years

Dear S&S Swan Association Members, and Friends,

the S&S Swan Association was founded in 2000.

What did we do in our first 20 years?

Here you are, this is a synthetic summary of what we did and what we now have, available and free:

We are now 620 Associated Members*, in five Continents
We uploaded on our website a huge number of documents/files:
209 Thechnical Drawings (original S&S/Nautor)
130 Articles on S&S Swan
1,443 photos of S&S Swan
37 Documented restoration
18 Selected Shipyard** 
70 Original Manuals***
10 Technical Tips***
1 Rod Stephens book***
40 Member's Boats are for sale, directly by Owners
298 are the newsletters sent since 1st February 2008

Last but not least we have this unique forum, accessible to everybody****, with 1,457 Threads (and 8,646 Posts) exclusively dedicated to our beloved S&S Swan

If you think we can do more for you, and if you have copy of articles, drawings, letters to/from shipyard/S&S office which are not online and would like to share these docs on Association website, we are absolutely happy to receive and upload all you can send!


* To be a Member of the S&S Swan Association you must be a S&S Swan Owner. Nautor built 823 Swan on S&S design, 42 have been lost, so we are 620, on a total of 782 surviving boats
** We only publish details of Shipyards suggested by Members. 
*** available only to Members
**** Accessible to everybody but only S&S Swan Associtiuon Members could upload threads/posts

31 March 2020 - 18:29
Join Date: 10 April 2010
Posts: 32

Dear Matteo,

Thank you so much for all the leadership, time and energy you have generously devoted to the association.  We have tremendously benefitted from the resources, knowledge and community the association offers members.  While way out here in California we feel pretty removed from the center of the Swan world, the association (and in particular, the forum) has connected us with the S&S Swan world.  Every project we have undertaken has been informed by the knowledge and resources on this forum, and the especially the wise words of the Professor!

Thanks again.

Mark and Kim

Anthea (41/1978)






31 March 2020 - 19:45
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1033

Dear Mark and Kim,

thanks ! The Association, and the Forum, is what it is because of Members like you, your participation, your commitment to share info, stories, experiences made this group unique! This is our indomitable richness and power!

Fair winds (even in this moment in the Med -and Italy in particular-  there is no wind for our beloved boats, but it will arrive! We think positive)!

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

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