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S&S Swan General - Lloyd's Register's Hull Moulding Certificate
19 May 2021 - 12:56
Join Date: 13 January 2020
Posts: 13

Lloyd's Register's Hull Moulding Certificate


we just go through an everlasting certification of our Swan 48/028 in Germany.

Has anybody a latest contact, where we can get the "Lloyd's Register's Hull Moulding Certificate" for our yacht?

We have not found the original yet among the papers of the former owner.

Fair winds 



20 May 2021 - 06:34
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Matthias

Pls ask
Kind regards

21 May 2021 - 13:20
Join Date: 05 August 2010
Posts: 164

Dear Matthias,

we went through the German certification process for our 48, hull 039. Feel free to contact me for any information.
We do have the hull moulding and fitting out certificate, but it does not state what the yacht was "intended for". If you can get a hull certificate with "Fahrtgebiet A" marked as "intended for", that may help ... even though I strongly suspect you will also need the individual stability survey we needed to have.

I wish you strong nerves and a lot of patience ...

Martin (Vellamo, 47/039)

28 May 2021 - 13:26
Join Date: 13 January 2020
Posts: 13

Thank you very much.

We are almost through the Certification including the stability part.

Only looking for the Lloyds Register's Hull Moulding Certificate.

I contacted the E-Mail over a week ago with no answer yet.

Has anybody perhaps a current telephone number?

Fair winds


01 June 2021 - 09:06
Join Date: 27 October 2013
Posts: 60


Unfortunately, it seems that Nautor Swan don’t really offer this support anymore.


Back in 2014 I, on request, very quickly received a copy of the original Builders Certificate from Nautor.


I have now requested the same for my (soon) new boat but no response from any of the email addresses:


It seems that we are ignored nowadays.




Best Regards,




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