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Keel Bolts and General Topics on Keel - 411 Keel Bolts
11 June 2021 - 09:08
Join Date: 16 June 2010
Posts: 12

411 Keel Bolts


Having been asked to deal with a possible keel problem on a frinds 411 /01 I am looking for clarification relating to the aft most bolt. A previous thread suggests the aft bolt is in the engine bay ( requiring the engine to be lifted) was this the case on all 411's ? The last visible fixing i am being told appears to be in the very small bay just forwrd of the engine. Any clarification would be most helpful prior to travelling overseas to deal with this.

Thanks Ron  

12 June 2021 - 06:56
Join Date: 02 January 2008
Posts: 1547

Dear Ron

It appears there is no drawing showing the last keel bolt position for the 411, but the general arrangement gives some indication.
There is a bulkhead with a high floor at the aft end of the main cabin, just forward of the engine box, then there is another floor right under the engine box front wall.
The last bolt is just aft of the engine box front floor, and difficult to reach. The bolt may not be visible in the engine space if it is covered by the drain channel running through the  engine space.
It is suggested that you do not lift the engine, but do surgery to the floors for sufficient access, and repair them afterwards.
Kind regards



12 June 2021 - 09:00
Join Date: 16 June 2010
Posts: 12

Dear Ron

It appears there is no drawing showing the last keel bolt position for the 411, but the general arrangement gives some indication.
There is a bulkhead with a high floor at the aft end of the main cabin, just forward of the engine box, then there is another floor right under the engine box front wall.
The last bolt is just aft of the engine box front floor, and difficult to reach. The bolt may not be visible in the engine space if it is covered by the drain channel running through the  engine space.
It is suggested that you do not lift the engine, but do surgery to the floors for sufficient access, and repair them afterwards.
Kind regards



Dear Lars

Many thanks for your input,which as always is appreciated. I will post a couple of images as the work is undertaken.



14 June 2021 - 20:01
Join Date: 19 July 2007
Posts: 66


Lars is correct the stud is in the fore part of the engine bay. There is little room but the engine should not need to be moved. The photo shows the moulding over the stud cut away. this is with a Beta 50 engine but I have done this with the original Perkins in place. the keel and skeg are very thin at this point only slightly thicker than the bolt diameter thus a seal between the keel and skeg is difficult.

Hope this assists

Paul   411-042

22 July 2021 - 08:13
Join Date: 16 June 2010
Posts: 12

Hello Paul

Thank you for your input /clarification



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