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S&S Swan Maintenance - Lowered rudder stock of 47 Grampus
30 April 2024 - 11:37
Join Date: 23 October 2011
Posts: 154

Lowered rudder stock of 47 Grampus

The rudder of Grampus has slipped down about half inch from its site.

Is It advised tò install a two parts washer of the right thickness?

Alternatively, Is there a different solution?

Thanks everybody

01 May 2024 - 03:31
Join Date: 23 October 2011
Posts: 154

Oops, the slot Is about 1/4", 6 mm

01 May 2024 - 07:15
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1041

Dear Matteo,

the correct job would be to dismantle the rudder and get a (preferably bronze) washer of the right thickness. I am not sure a two parts one would stay in place.

Dismantling the rudder will give you the chance to change the bearings (delrin of course) too.

All best,

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

03 May 2024 - 07:36
Join Date: 23 October 2011
Posts: 154

Dear Matteo,

Thank you for your suggestion. Yes, indeed a two parts washer would probably be too thin. I will discount the rudder next winter and follow your indications.

Thank you very much.


Grampus 47'/16 

03 May 2024 - 08:47
Join Date: 23 October 2011
Posts: 154

Oops, "dismantle", and not "discount" .

Artificial Intelligence does not yet work properly on the keyboard!

And I am losing my intelligence forgetting to read again and correct my messages!


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