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Sail & Rigging - Roller furler boom conversion to slab reefing
20 June 2023 - 18:49
Join Date: 15 April 2011
Posts: 396

Roller furler boom conversion to slab reefing

Dear all,

I searched the forum and have not found what I need. 

I am planning to retrofit my original boom to accommodate internal reefing lines with rope clutches and turning blocks at the gooseneck.  Lars and I had discussed this and he had sent me a picture of the new gooseneck but the clarity was not sufficient for me to deternine proportions and design.

Has anyone done this and does anyone have pictures that I could use to help me and the machine shop design a beautiful and functional gooseneck?

Thank you,

Chris Mabel's Casse Tete  43/003 

08 July 2023 - 16:27
Join Date: 19 December 2019
Posts: 26

Hi Chris,

Hope all is well with you.

I have gone down a similar path, although we did not have the original boom (shame). Out of curiosity, is your original boom gooseneck assembly on the sail track, allowing tensioning like a cunningham?

I requested a copy of the below photo from Hypatia Swan 47 (1st pic) & used a few other pics from a Swan 431 locally to us.

The second photo is the gooseneck our dude fabricated for us. Fantastic job, very pleased.

Can email you if a better resolution is required.

Speak soon,



Hypatia Gooseneck (Swan 47)

Our fabricated goose neck - (Swan 43)

03 August 2023 - 14:39
Join Date: 15 April 2011
Posts: 396

Dear Dan,

Thank you for your reply and I apologize for my late response.   

Wow, that is a spectacular mast attachement.  The pictures will be helpful to me.

I have the original boom which was attached to the track on the mast - when I purchased the boat, the track attachment was bolted into the track and mast and the boom had reefing blocks screwed into the boom.  I was worried about this set-up, not least because the cast, aluminum gooseneck seemed old and possibly fragile.

So, after visiting several boats in Elba and taking a bunch of pictures, I have at least an idea.  

I seem to move very slowly but will post pictures when I have them.

Thank you,

Chris Mabel's Casse Tete 43/003

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